Airlines could use your personal date to determine how much your ticket will cost, according to chief executives at the international air transport association meeting in miami.
Airline information about how much you fly, where you live or the number of frequent flyer points you own could all determine the price of an airline ticket. This potential use of data was revealed during this week’s 71st annual meeting of the International Air Transport Association in Miami, Florida.
“It is completely inevitable,” said Alex Cruz, the chief executive of European low-cost carrier Vueling. “Whether it is [postal] code related or how much I know you want that flight, the barriers are coming down.”
“They are targeting in a way in which we can make them more money. Charging passengers based on your postcode is a bit rich,”Choice spokesman Tom Godfrey told Fairfax media.
“Organisations are getting more data, and that data is being used in a way to deny choice. Consumers should be able to see the type of information that companies are collecting.”
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