The Corner Hotel in Melbourne and The Newtown Social Club in Sydney will be the venues for free meet-ups for SXSW delegates tomorrow evening the 17th of February. It’s a way for SXSW newbies to meet with veterans and also to interface with each other in advance of SXSW.
Each event starts at 5:30pm with drinks, while industry speakers kick-off at 6:30pm in each venue and will share their secrets, tips and techniques for success at SXSW. There’ll be an audience Q&A at the end and festivities are expected to wrap-up around 8pm. This is the perfect networking event for both bands/music delegates as well as interactive and film attendees. Details of the events are as follows:
Sydney’s Newtown Social Club 5:30 Tuesday February 17 (387 King St., Newtown)
Speakers includes:
- Marc Sousley (GM of Secret Sounds Touring, formerly with C3 Events in Austin)
- Millie Millgate (Executive producer of Sounds Australia)
- Johnny Au (Photo editor and Hello! Asia Editor for AU Review)
Melbourne’s Corner Hotel 5:30 Tuesday February 17 (57 Swan St., Richmond)
Speakers include:
- Andrew Mast ( managing editor)
- Alex Lefley (Head of social media & gigital engagement, Edelman Australia)
- Anna Kamasz (Digital eduction producer Australian Children’s Television Foundation)
- David King (Director of strategy of The Royals creative and technology agency)
No RSVP is required to attend either venue on the night. If you require any further information contact SXSW Australia representative Phil Tripp on 041 22 666 77 or [email protected]