In the lead up to our Changing the Ratio event, we’ve been profiling one social change maker a week in partnership with UnLtd. This is our way of showcasing the heroes in our industry, and now it’s time for another!
Last week we profiled Suryabala Shenbagamurthy from the The Media Store, and this week it’s on to Cameron Swan, managing director at Active International!
First ever job: I worked the desk at the local tennis courts.
If I wasn’t doing my job, I’d be: Insane and likely locked up.
How I got where I am today: Hard work and great support from great people.
Causes I care about: I have a strong connection to those giving our youth the support and help they deserve. Every child deserves the opportunity to grow up in a healthy and safe environment. Any organisation that supports this is doing tremendous work in my eyes.
The change I’d like to see in the world and why it’s important: That’s a hard one, but on a local level I would like to see our government align on important issues rather than using them simply to support opinion polls. Some important social issues need to transcend political agenda.
How did you first get involved with UnLtd: UnLtd have a strong board representation from all parts of the industry and it’s via some of these individuals that I was introduced to unltd. From there we, as a business, supported some of their group initiatives and individual charity beneficiaries.
The charity projects I’m currently working on: We have ongoing support for an amazing organisation which is one of the beneficiaries of UnLtd called BeCentre who support children aged two to 12 years of age suffering from the effects of trauma (domestic and sexual abuse, accident, illness, parent loss, etc) and helps them deal with their emotions and recover through play therapy.
Some social issues I’m passionate about are: Helping those who are incapable of helping themselves. Children and youth at risk because they don’t have anyone else to improve their ongoing quality of life.
This could be children in need of support to deal with trauma or helping youth on the streets.
Why I want to give back: Because if we, as individuals, as a business and as an industry don’t, then how will we ever see real change. I think we need to leverage our own position of influence to help wherever possible.
The best/most rewarding volunteering experience I’ve had: I think seeing the BeCentre’s brand-new facility come to life and its ability to cater for more than half of the children on their waiting list (doubling the numbers of children they could previously support) made me realise that material change was possible from everyone.
My greatest achievement: Getting my three-year-old to finish her dinner.
The person/company I’d like to challenge to get involved & why: Everyone can offer something!
You don’t need to have a business behind you or be on the rich list to support social change and I think that’s what people forget. Everyone can do their bit.
My advice for someone just starting their career is: Love what you do. Be patient but not complacent.
If I could have one super power, that would be: Time travel, obviously!
UnLtd is a social purpose organisation connecting the media, marketing and creative industries with charities helping children and young people at risk. Find out how you can get involved at