oOh!media is using its extensive data expertise to showcase Movember’s 2020 campaign, which aims to raise funds and awareness for mental health and suicide prevention, as well as prostate and testicular cancer.
The multi-format campaign is running across billboards, street furniture, retail, venue and office assets. Aiming to change the face of men’s health, it reminds Aussie men that ‘Whatever you grow will save a bro’, in celebration of the diversity of moustaches grown during Movember and the men behind them.
The strategy developed by media agency UM and Movember was made unmissable with oOh!, which used its data resources to target Movember’s core audiences and deliver an Out of Home campaign reaching them multiple times a day.
oOh! Chief Sales Officer Tim Murphy said the campaign was a great opportunity for oOh! to show how its data capabilities could maximise reach for an important cause.
“The team at Movember wanted their campaign in front of Aussies as much as possible to boost awareness and help raise money,” he said.
“We looked at their core audience and then leveraged mobility data from DSpark and audience segmentation data from Nielsen to create a schedule that ensures we are connecting with Movember supporters at key moments like driving to the shops, going to work, or meeting up with mates at the pub. These ‘Mo Bros’ and ‘Mo Sisters’ will therefore see this campaign very often, and be engaged by it throughout the day.”
Movember Australia Marketing Director Jason Olive said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has increased anxiety for many, heightened by the pressures of not only a global health crisis, but a social and economic crisis too, meaning Movember’s work has never been more important. We know men are struggling, and need us more than ever.
“We were impressed with how oOh! can use data insights and analysis to support us in delivering a campaign that connects Movember to our supporters, in the right place, at the right time.
“This element of the campaign is crucial in helping us to achieve our fundraising goals, which in turn ensures that Movember can continue to deliver mental health and suicide prevention programs, information and awareness, and to keep lifesaving cancer research and trials on track.”
To make this campaign even more unmissable, oOh! will be running a countdown timer execution that further boosts audience engagement.
The campaign, which was created by UK-based creative agency MATTA, launched on 5 October and will run through to the end of November.