Director of Niche creative agency Mpire Creative Emanuel Freer has written an opinion piece about why electronic music could be the best way to attract those pesky millennials.
Over 15 years ago Seth Godin told us in his brilliant book of the same name that we are in the era of ‘Permission Marketing’. Fast forward to 2015 and the information overload back then doesn’t hold a candle to this present day era. 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute! Millennials are in the absolute thick of it.
We are the early adopters fully immersed in the digital and technological age. Don’t even get me started on our addiction to social media. In this day and age with millennials, permission is a privilege granted only once you have their attention. Marketers can attest that trying to get the attention of millennials is like trying to get blood from a stone. They aren’t paying attention to your advertising on billboards because they are too immersed in activity of their smartphone… They aren’t paying attention to your advertising on their smartphone because they are too immersed in activity on their smartphone. Millennials have proven to be the most advertising averse, attention deficit generation marketers have ever faced.
So what’s the solution? How do you get their attention and gain their permission? The answer is simple; we want the same thing we wanted from our parents during our teenage angst years… To be understood.
Understanding the world according to millennials and contributing to it will go a long way towards earning their attention and permission. That world is Electronic dance music and if you don’t believe it check out the stats.
What started as an underground music community developed into a pervasive culture for millennials that is now more like a religion. We listen to it during our 9-5s, play it at home and more importantly spend our hard earned dollars on events and festivals around the world. With the rise and rise of experiential marketing along with electronic music it should be a no brainer for brands/agencies to get involved with electronic music. To their credit, many forward thinking brands have been all over electronic music, especially in overseas markets but many brands are still late to the party (pardon the pun).
It’s not attention deficit, we just aren’t listening. Your marketing noise is being drowned out by the sound of electronic music
If electronic music events are the window to millennials why haven’t you shown up?
For many brands it was the uncertainty and intangible results that led to them sticking to their comfort zones. Well now there is a recent study that says ‘Sponsoring a Live Music Event Makes Millennials Trust and Recommend Your Brand’! It offers a lot of compelling reasons why you should join the party if you aren’t already on board but I’ll give you the cheat sheet…
- 93 per cent of respondents say they like brands that sponsor live events
- 81 per cent say that the coolest brand experiences they’ve ever seen somehow involved music in a live setting
- Around 80 per cent admitted that the best and most effective way for brands to connect with them is through a branded live music event
- Those millennials who engaged in a branded music experience come away with a 37 per cent better perception of the brand.
- 89 per cent like brands that sponsor a live music experience
- 89 per cent perceive those brands as being more authentic
- 83 per cent leave with a greater trust for brands that support a live music experience.
- 80 per cent purchase a product from a sponsoring brand after the experience.
- 80 per cent recommend brands that sponsor a live music experience to their networks.
So for those of you that are looking for an invite or joined the party a long time ago (“This isn’t news to us, we have been sponsoring music events for years”), what is the secret to success?
The secret to success is more than just advertising (remember we are still the most advertising averse generation you have ever had to deal with)… It isn’t just about trading a billboard in the CBD for a billboard at a festival. The key to success is genuine authentic contribution which comes from connection. The connection is built by understanding this electronic music world and enhancing the experience. We buy emotionally with the right side of our brain. Electronic music events are a positive emotional experience hence why it is a multibillion dollar industry. Contribute to our world, enhance it, add value to it and you not only have our attention… You have our business.