Predictive smart technology similar to that which makes film and music recommendations for digital streaming services will soon be matching up users with relevant mobile ads in Australia and New Zealand.
Big Mobile and Sweden tech company Widespace have joined forces to shake up mobile advertising with zero per cent fraud, 100 per cent viewability and a break away from desktop metrics.
Big Mobile will harness the technology of Widespace’s Summit platform, driven by a self-learning algorithm which uses more than 200 parameters to make real-time predictions about which ads users will find the most interesting and serve it up in just 25 milliseconds.
The clever technology also allows users to redeem in store coupons and discounts delivered through mobile advertising and then receive alert reminders when they are in close proximity to a participating outlet, allowing brands to close the loop from advert to point of sale.
According to Big Mobile, Summit’s ad algorithm offers something new to the industry, as it optimises based on unique brand metrics such as brand recall and purchase intent, rather than just clicks when delivering results.
“A mobile phone is much more a personal device than a computer and a user really engages with their mobile right through the day, so measuring how a brand engages with that consumer is the natural next step,” Big Mobile CEO David Green said.
“The brilliant algorithm running on the platform will then marry up the right advert with the right consumer using its ‘recommender’ engine.”
“This is not just exciting for Big Mobile, but for all major premium publishers and advertisers in Australia and the region.”
Widespace co-founder and CEO Patrik Fagerlund said the company’s technology and the reach of Big Mobile will be a winning combination for publishers and advertisers throughout the Asia-Pacific and southeast Asian regions.
“We’re very excited about the partnership and can’t wait to get started,” he said.