Humanizing Data – Words Can Hurt, But Data?
Can data really replace gut instinct? Arguably it can if turns out…
Social Media: Does Its Value Equal The Hype?
This columnist argues social media's a bit like Justin Bieber & the…
Why Is Experience So Undervalued In Advertising?
Here's a very insightful thought piece into adland's ageism. However, it's quite…
Digital Transformation: The New Normal Or The Same Old Bullsh*t?
Here's an excellent column on the perils of digital transformation. It even…
Does Digital, Data & Micro-Targeting Actually F@ck Creativity?
Like asking Pauline Hanson about immigrants, B&T's shamelessly prodding the "data versus…
Look Past COVID And How Will Marketers Handle the Economic Train Wreck?
This columnist argues that CV-19 could be the time for a marketing…
Why Has Adland Stopped Talking About The Brief?
Do you use client briefs to stabilise rocky tables or as an…
Is CV-19 A Classic Case Of Media’s “If It Bleeds, It Leads”?
Is media to blame for CV-19 hysteria? B&T's most controversial columnist puts…
Mass Fear Versus The “Bright Side Of Life”
B&T's most venomous columnist is back with his newest rant. So, prepare…
Targeting Versus Impact – Which One Wins?
What's better: targeting or impact? Discover the truth by hitting a colleague…
Attribution, Net Promoter Scores And Other Fairytales!
Nothing puts the cats among the pigeons like attribution & net promoter…
Adland, Machines And Bullsh*t
Tired of the chat about AI, VR and "cybernetic organisms, living tissue…
Why Digital Marketers Shouldn’t Forget The Marketing Part
Tonight you could read this or watch The Bachelorette. Or, annoy someone…
Marketing Effectiveness: What’s Changed?
This column should be read by all marketing students. Well, once they're…
What Lessons Can Adland Learn From The Music Industry?
This columnist says adland can learn a lot from the music industry.…
Digital – Two Parts Truth, Eight Parts Bullsh*t
B&T's favourite shit-stirrer is back with his latest column and it would…
Market Research: Is There Just Too Much of It?
Do you loathe being pestered by telemarketers right at dinner time? Well,…
“Some 81% Of Brands Could Disappear & Consumers Wouldn’t Care Less!”
Are you bored at work? Would irritating colleagues alleviate said boredom? This…
The Perennial Question (Sort Of Answered): How to Measure Advertising ROI!
The Holy Grail answered here! As in how to measure advertising ROI,…
Why ScoMo Won And Why There Are Valuable Lessons In It For Adland
Has it taken you 10 days to calm down from the election…
What Is A Brave Brand (Or Ad)?
Does adland's overuse of the word "brave" bring the bile to the…
Integration? It’s Nothing New!
B&T's most controversial columnist is back with, it has to be said,…
“People Hate Ads, Yes All Of Them!” Advertising – Are We Deluding Ourselves?
We're marking this a "must read" for anyone in the ad industry.…
Are they Smoking Something at Mastercard HQ?
Didn't quite know what to make of Mastercard's new "Sonic Branding" campaign?…
Opinion: Here’s Why ‘Toxic Masculinity’ IS A Problem
On Tuesday, B&T published a controversial piece about 'toxic masculinity'. Here's one…
How Does Advertising Really Work?
Do you work in advertising but often think to yourself, "I've absolutely…
What Actually Is “Toxic Masculinity” Anyway?
It's rare B&T enacts the old, "The views expressed here are not…
Digital Disruption: Similarities To The Gold Rush Days?
B&T's favourite, if slightly unhinged columnist is back, this time giving digital…
Well Done, Bega! Finally, Someone Gets It!
B&T's favourite maverick columnist returns & this has all the bile, unsavoury…
Advertising: From Creativity To A Commodity
B&T's favourite maverick columnist is back with his latest industry precis. And,…
Why Advertising Needs To Look To The “Good Ol’ Days” To Avoid Becoming Extinct
Do you adore reading columns that could possibly make you stammer with…
What’s Wrong With Advertising Today
Did you wake up today and think, "Advertising: what does it all…
Digital: Is it Time to Call a Spade A F@cking Shovel?
This regular is going off in his latest column, forcing B&T to…
It’s Not The 4Ps We Should Question, It’s The Quality Of Marketers
This piece is so controversial B&T's enacting the "views expressed here are…
Is Advertising A Cult? The Latest Nike Ad Would Say It Is
We'd never call advertising a cult, and that's despite the pentagram painted…
Brand Purpose: Does It Have A Purpose?
Aside from "ROI" and "where's the bottle opener?", is "brand purpose" the…
What The Hell Is Content Anyway?
This maverick columnist is arguing what actually constitutes content. And, to his…
Industry Diversity: It’s More Than Skin Deep
Diversity is THE industry buzzword and this column on said subject has…
Here’s A Radical Idea To Keep Ad Agencies Relevant: Focus On Creative
No one does creative like a creative agency, says B&T's fave columnist.…
You Want To “Reframe Australia”? You’re Already 20 Years Too Late!
B&T's favourite rabble rouser's back with his latest column! So if you…