A new comedy web series following a creative agency imagines the hardship of collecting a sample of horse semen from the races, an absence of supermarket placenta and bosses who describe the new guy as a “pathetic, ginger Labrador in a suit”.
The comedy series is called ‘Agency’ and follows a small creative agency in Wellington, New Zealand, staffed by the obliviously optimistic CEO, the flighty and vibrant creative and the awkward accounts guy. The first three episodes were released last night, with the next three to be uploaded on May 10.
Writer and director of the series, Judah Finnigan, says the team behind the series wanted to see if they could make something.
“All of us, Ben Forman, Glen Puklowski and myself, have been involved in the advertising industry in various forms and have experienced firsthand a lot of the situations that transpire in the series,” he told B&T.
“After sitting and tossing ideas around for various plotlines, we just figured we should get out there and give it a go. And ‘Agency’ was the result.”
While the majority of views of the series so far have been from friends, and friends of friends, Finnigan says they’re pretty happy with the response so far.
“It’s been climbing in views pretty consistently since the release, and all of our feedback so far as been really positive.”
Check out the first episode below. Watch the other two here.