Susana Shek (Become Recruitment)

Certified recruitment professional (CertRP) with 4+ years experience in delivering consultative service, recruiting in several sectors across Digital, Creative and in New Media. Specialties: Recruiting in Digital:- Front End development, CSS, Flash, HTML, XHTML, Photoshop. Backend coding PHP, cakePHP, Ruby on Rails, OOD, Javascript, JQuery,Software Programming:- ASP.NET, .NET, VB.NET, C#, Embedded C, C++. MVC, WCF. Objective-C, Cocoa Framework, Android SDK. Recruiting in Creative Industries:- Account Executives, Account Managers, Account Directors, Marketing Executives, Marketing Managers, Email Marketing, Digital Marketing, Web Marketing, Online Marketing, SEO, PPC, Social Media, Google Adwords, Web Copywriter.

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