
Satu Raunola-Spencer

I am a Nordic born Sydneysider who is passionate about the travel market and excited about the digital transformation occurring in the industry. My career map covers senior marketing and communication, sales, account management, leadership and entrepreneurial roles for nearly 25 years. In travel industry my career touch points include world leading travel technology, (international) hotel sales and destination marketing, wholesale, airlines and tour operators in Australia, APAC, Europe and North America. I am a skilled in B2B and B2B2C partnerships, collaborative marketing strategy and promotional campaigns, media relations and marketing communications. I have highly developed ability to connect people and businesses. These connections have led to novel, innovative and creative opportunities. Currently as a marketing and communications consultant my focus is on travel strategic integrated business development. I have developed extensive global travel and tourism industry and media know-how and networks. I am all about making the world a better place by using common sense, sustainability and practical processes in business and everyday life. My thirst to learn and upskilling keeps me focused on current and future trends. My love of family, travel, culture and an active and healthy lifestyle keep me energised and my Nordic Sense for a Complex World keeps me focused.

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