
Daniela Vergara

I am an internationally experienced professional with academic degrees in industrial design and brand marketing. My experience spans across various areas of brand strategy, including brand building and management, positioning, identity as well as social media and content creation. Over the years, I had the opportunity to work for companies covering multiple industries in Australia and Latin America, namely: PepsiCo, BMW, Unilever, Alpina and Team Foods among others. My diverse background has enabled me to critically understand the role of brands and their mechanics through a global lens, sensitive to geodemographic nuances. Because of that I was able to deploy brand programs and experiences where my clients, their employees and end-consumers alike were effectively and positively engaged. In today’s networked society brands are constantly creating powerful real-time connections. Being able to understand and manage a brand in the digital space with the same level of efficiency, creativity and daintiness is a must. The expertise I have developed in this field allows me to support this process by creating strategies that are consistent to the original brand philosophy but agile enough to respond to modern social dynamics. As an individual, I am proactive, focused and creative. My core skills are strategy, project management and teamwork, all supported by an analytically sound mindset. I have an impeccable professional ethos and the gravitas that builds trust across any seniority level.

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