
Anthony J James AJ

Anthony J James (AJ) is a C-Level, international marketing transformation executive specialising in creative, digital, brand positioning, and innovative global B2B and B2C solutions focussed on growth. With deep experience working with major brands across Asia Pacific, Middle East & Europe plus high-growth emerging markets on their digital marketing ecosystems for over 20 years. A brilliant creative and strategic mind with the flexibility to work cross-functionally and cross-culturally. With entrepreneurial vision, creativity and flair for innovation and growth, AJ has also been responsible for sales, marketing and digital activities across multiple countries and cultures for large enterprises, as well as leading large global creative and digital teams on the agency side. A few reasons why its worth connecting... • You are looking for a C-Level executive with strong sales, marketing and creative digital innovation credentials who can develop strategy, as well as drive regional and global marketing efforts and develop new revenue streams • You desire a person who is strategic, tactical and innovative in their thinking…someone who is passionate and cares about the business! • You need a person on your team who can creatively identify ways to improve profitability, enhance margins, and achieve sustainable competitive advantage, while understanding "big-data" and using insights and intuition to develop solutions • You want someone with international cross-boarder, sales, negotiation, management and leadership skills • You are looking for a person who demonstrates in everything they do — adaptability, creativity, empathy, flexibility, organisational awareness and relationship management — at the same time being curious, insightful, inspirational and determined... Below is a summary of this experience, including references.

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