[B&T warns this article contains language some readers may find offensive.] As Australian voters can well attest, most political adverts are as dull as, well, most politicians, really.
That said, in their defence, elections don’t tend to be a great platform for mirth and merriment.
Enter a new spot from the New Jersey Democratic State Committee that attacks its Republican rival, Jack Ciattarelli, for the state’s upcoming governor elections on November the 2nd.
Ciattarelli’s rivals have managed to dig up an old law he attempted to pass way back in 1994 when he tried to have swearing banned in the state that would’ve seen anyone publicly using unsavoury language fined $US500 (the law was ultimately defeated on grounds it violated the First Amendment.)
The advert starts with New Jersey residents standing in front of a picture of Ciattarelli and being asked if they know who the person in the image is. Everyone says they have no idea.
They’re then told of Ciattarelli’s efforts to ban swearing in the state to which the goodly voters unload on the idea in language that can only best described as fruity.
The ad ends with a message to votes saying: “Let’s show Jack how New Jersey fucking does it. Vote November 2.”
Check out the fun below. But again, B&T does warn it contains language best suited to headphones in a closed office environment.
Jack Ciattarelli is so out of touch with New Jersey, he supported a ban on cursing in his town. Here’s what some New Jerseyans had to say about that.
Let’s keep moving New Jersey forward with @PhilMurphyNJ. pic.twitter.com/GuK2ek61fa
— NJ Dems (@NJDSC) October 11, 2021