Yahoo7 has teamed up with blogging platform Tumblr for a local launch Down Under, providing brands a new way to get creative with advertising.
Officially launched in Sydney last night, Ed Harrison, CEO of Yahoo7 (right above), and David Karp, founder and CEO of Tumblr (middle above), explained to a room of journos how the platform will give brands a new way to talk to the youth audience – a market many brands appear to be chasing – as well as heightening the creativity in advertising.
“Some of the big breakthroughs we’ve seen in the US, these big brands that are built on big creative brand advertising just haven’t had space to do it on big digital platforms,” explained Karp.
Tumblr has a reputation of being for the youth demographic, he admitted, however according to data collected by the team Karp stressed the platform has a “pretty diverse audience”. In Australia there are around 4.6 million Tumblr users.
“I’ll take the ‘millennial’ label but really it’s a pretty eclectic collection of genres, interests and a pretty diverse set of people that use Tumblr,” he said.
There’s no shortage of social media platforms out there for marketers to play around in, so how will Tumblr stand out?
“All of the other networks they are really organised around people you know, they’re organised around people who are part of your life today, or celebrities you wish were part of your life today,” said Karp.
“Tumblr is really organised about the stuff that you care about. And sometimes you start to care about the creators behind that work, but so much of the experience of Tumblr is enjoying the stuff. You really do come to Tumblr for that stuff.”
When users visit the other social networks, it’s a very intimate thing, said Karp, as it’s where you go to see what the people in your life are up to, “…and interrupting that with advertising is a pretty different thing than the experience that has kind of played out on Tumblr.”
It’s the surprise element of Tumblr Karp believes is really important for brands.
“When you come to Tumblr you show up to be surprised,” he said, admitting that was a happy accident, it wasn’t part of some grand plan to have the surprise element.
Advertisers creating content for Tumblr need to create something amazing, which can be a bit of challenge, said Karp, however he reckons the Aussie creatives are up for it.
In terms of what Yahoo7 gets out of the arrangement, Harrison explained how it will enable the company to incorporate Tumblr into sponsorship packages, alongside the numerous other advertising offering the business already has.
Yahoo7 is putting some of its own brands on the platform; Home & Away, Yahoo7 Entertainment, Dancing with the Starts and 7News Raw.