For today’s Women in Media profile, we chat to the CEO of LOUD, Lorraine Jokovic, about her (guilty) love of cheese and following her intuition.
Describe your average day?
Busy, of course. I’m a morning person so I always try to keep them free of meetings because I’m more productive then. I can get emails, reports, presentations done much more efficiently and then my mind’s clear for meetings in the afternoon.
That’s the theory anyway. Given we are a service industry we have to be available for our clients. So, sometimes the theory doesn’t always work.
While each day is different, which is what I love about this industry, there are the consistent everyday needs that require my attention; staff meetings, client catch-ups, presentations etc. It’s often a long day starting at 7am and ending around 7pm.
What’s the most challenging thing about your job?
Staying on strategy. We’ve worked really hard to carve out a position for the agency and in order to deliver it we need to stay on top of delivering services to our current clients, innovating in terms of new product and services and ensuring our new business pipeline is strong.
What drives you?
I’ve loved this industry since I was a kid. And, throughout the years I’ve had the good fortune to work with some fabulous clients to grow their brands and business. I’m passionate about inculcating brands in to popular culture and how that’s so much more than a 30 second spot.
What’s the hardest brief you’ve ever received or hardest job to execute?
I think the hardest job I’ve ever had is the one I have now. In particular when it comes to making sure I have the time and the right counsel for my staff. They’re a great team and it’s key for me to be able to develop each and every one of them to reach the goals they’ve set for themselves.
What would be your ultimate role?
I’m not moving from this one for a while. But I love being the supporter of an empowered team.
What’s your proudest professional moment?
When I took over LOUD as CEO and owner. I’d worked here for 12 years at that stage and knew what I wanted to achieve. Buying the agency has allowed me to chase my vision.
What’s your quirkiest attribute?
You’ll have to ask the team here. But I think they’ll tell you my memory loss and that I’ll tell you the same story again and again.
One thing no one knows about you?
The first place I lived in Australia was the immigration hostel in Melbourne after we arrived in Australia.
While my parents went straight to work finding jobs and a new place to live, my brother and I loved the hostel with its dining hall, shared accommodation and play areas for kids. We felt like it was a permanent holiday.
What are advertising/marketing’s biggest challenges or threats?
I think we’re fighting to keep the leadership position in the communications mix. This is a tough business that’s been through some difficult times. But the opportunity for creating value from the change is enormous. We need some visionaries back in the industry.
What do you think are the most exciting things in the marketing and creative world at the moment?
I think the new talent we have coming through is fabulous. I had the privilege of chairing the Communications Councils IPA… two day course recently. What a talented, diverse group of people they were.
The challenge for the industry is twofold I believe; providing them with the opportunity to apply their talent in the current agency structure and holding on to them. They’re our future.
Is there anything you’d do differently in the industry given the chance?
I would be far more confident about my point of view, I would have spoken up and not been shy about putting my opinion on the table and I would have started my own agency much earlier.
Hardest lesson you’ve had to learn (in or out of workforce)?
Intuition is your strongest asset. Follow it.
Tea or coffee?
Cats or dogs?
Guilty pleasure?
What’s your favourite TV programme?
House of Cards
What turns you on, emotionally, creatively, spirituality?
What turns you off?
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to do?
Women in Media, both awards and the forum, will be held on August 19 at the Sydney Randwick Racecourse, with final tickets now on sale, the Power List taking nominations for another week, and the People’s Choice award now open to voting.