This week it’s a man drinking bourbon in his undies, a sappy McDonalds ad and fish roe out of a toothpaste tube. So here is B&T best, worst and WTF of advertising for the week.
Digital agency Portal A have spoofed that Airbnb baby ad, taking what was a cute concept and completely flipped it on its head! Instead of a crawling baby, it’s a porno-watching, cigarette smoking, bourbon swilling man in his undies. Much better!
Here’s the sappy original:
If you fall in love over McDonalds your future together will be filled heart burn and diabetes, but that’s just us.
The Fishy
How do you sell the unsellable? For the past year, Kalles Kaviar have been trying to sell their cod roe that comes out of a toothpaste tube. Apparently it’s a delicacy in Sweden, but it looks more like salty, pink goop out of a tube. The self-deprecating TVCs shows that what the world hates, the Swedes love.
Have you seen an advert that puts your knickers in a twist? Tweet us @bandt