Two in three Aussies now access news media journalist online, with mobile readership leading that growth, according to the latest stats from Enhance Media Metrics Australia (emma).
Accessing news media content on digital platforms has jumped up by six per cent year-on-year to 3.7 million, or one fifth of the population.
Accessing newspaper websites via PCs or laptops still remain the most popular digital platform, increasing by five per cent annually to 10 million readers.
Total news media readership remained steady in the recent emma figures, with 91 per cent of the population still reading the old black and white newspaper, just across more platforms.
Print held its own and still dominates, however, as the preferred platform for the majority of news media readers, hovering around the 77 per cent of the population mark.
Most are frequent readers, with 8.5 million reading three or more newspapers each week – 4.5 million reading one every day.
“Almsot half the population regularly engage with newspapers throughout the week, which clearly demonstrates that newspapers play a valuable and influential role in society,,” The Newspaper Works CEO Mark Hollands said.
“The growth in digital readership is offsetting decline sin print readership as publishers continue to innovate across platforms and grow their audience.
“The emma data continues to show that readers are accessing their news content from a range of platforms that provide advertisers with a large and engaged audience.”