Nikki Fogden-Moore (main photo), author of Radical Self Belief, is a renowned change leadership specialist, host of Radical Self Belief The Mojo Maker Podcast and founder of The Quantum Decision Making Program. In this guest post, Fogden-Moore offers top tips for anyone wanting to build sustainable success…
The pressure is on for leaders more than ever, with the impact of COVID-19 requiring even more vision, foresight, compassion and agility during unprecedented times. Staying grounded and creating decisions from a conscious rather than fear-based paradigm is crucial. This requires leaders to ensure a deep sense of trust – in self to make an evolution past “proven processes and outdated best practices” to one of deep trust and self-mastery.
Truly conscious leadership is a unique blend of experience and insight. It has no start and finish. It does not require an award of external recognition but rather speaks via real results of collaboration, co-creation and a sense of combined purpose and productivity within teams that shine from the inside out.
Running a business, planning a life and managing the responsibilities that come with leadership is like a rally – it’s all conditions, anything can happen and you either are prepared to suit up and enjoy the entire journey – or keep falling back into a sand dune – exhausted, frustrated and feeling unfulfilled.
We can’t use an outdated operating system where overwhelm is like a badge of honour. The new agile landscape of commerce and community requires a different radical approach. A new level of deploying all six senses and three core pillars of an ever evolving leader:
- Awareness. Force, friction, struggle and lecturing are not the requirements of a job or career well done. These are in fact outdated paradigms founded in generations of neuroplasticity that have us, out of habit – overworking, over thinking and under happy in the long run. Burn out, freak out and opting out are not co-requisites to success. Having the awareness to recognise overwhelm and the subconscious wiring that have us push through for productivity and recognition is the very first pillar. Think like a CEO. Find the big picture. Press pause.
- Accountability – A great word often overused and under applied. Have you put your oxygen mask on first? Have you stopped and asked yourself the tough questions? As leaders whether we like it or not, there is no wiggle room on the buck stops with you at the top. Always ask yourself if you desire a certain culture, change, growth or perspective – how are you delivering on that yourself first. Are you pressing pause and reflecting before you project? Ultimate flow in culture is when as a leader we actually become acutely aware of managing our own behaviours first and sharing that learning by example.
- Action. Replace overworking, overthinking and over managing with a different approach where if you want your workforce, your friendships, your finances and relationships to shift into flow and sustainable connections then you need to demonstrate those actions yourself. Allow room for others to catch up, to step in and show up. Ultimately if you want to reduce stress, increase flow with performance and shift directions with ease then you have to do things differently to get the desired results. Stop to assess a situation, a moment or an issue before you react. Choose a response with acuity rather than frustration. Set clear overarching goals with regular check points for others to catch up and feel accomplishments in each step along the way.
Evolved leaders don’t “announce” their level of intuition and experience, it is clearly evident from how they carry themselves and the self-discipline to ensure that mental, physical and emotional cues are in alignment for the best possible outcome. This period in time requires us to dig deeper, dive deeper and uncover more strength, tenacity, fortitude and foresight than we ever thought we possess.
One day you stop looking around at getting direction from others or what has been done before and you realise “you’re it”. You are the one others look to, you are the one others take their cues from and that you need to be the pioneer. Awareness, accountability and action – minute by minute, day to day – put radical purpose and self-belief into building sustainable success and empower those around you to do the same.