While we might all have grown accustomed to the “teaser trailer” — a brief preview for an upcoming feature — the upcoming Jurassic World introduced us to the “trailer teaser”.
Released a mere two days before the full-length trailer for the dinosaur thriller, the 16-second clip revealed precisely nothing about the film, serving only as a hype machine for a trailer for a movie that won’t be released until next June.
While building hype for a blockbuster movie is certainly nothing new, the drip of information about upcoming features is reaching a point of full saturation online. Not only do we have the return of Steven Spielberg’s dinosaurs (featuring so-hot-right-now Chris Pratt), but the dynamic return of the Star Wars franchise has been met with a year full of casting announcements and impromptu set shots ferociously covered by entertainment blogs. Furthermore, the long-awaited World of Warcraft movie has barely given fans more than some cast shots and a closed-door screening of the trailer at Comic-Con.
Even Game of Thrones, which returns for its fifth season next spring, tweeted a 10-second trailer full of not much to promote ThreeEyedRaven.com, an ambiguous page which promises to give fans “The Sight” into what will happen next (something you can easily glean from reading the books).
These “teasers for teasers” are a byproduct of the ever-present need to manipulate online visitors into clicking a link that promises them the world and gives them nothing. Much like a cheap banner ad that brags about a new weight-loss trick, these brief clips offer little more than disappointment and trickery, meaning Hollywood has finally found the proper way to abuse clickbait.
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