Robo-Journalism Is On the Rise But Half Of Aussies Prefer Human-Written Stories
At least with robot journos you could mistreat them, underpay them &…
Journos Shaky On Job Security: Roy Morgan
A report that journo job security is poor saddened the B&T office.…
ABC Budget Cuts Could See As Many As 160 Journo Jobs Threatened
Who'd be a journalist at the moment, eh? Oh, hang on a…
The Guardian UK Cuts 250 Jobs
We became journos for the long lunches & free booze. The whole…
Fairfax Journos Strike Without Pay Until Monday In Response To 120 Job Cuts
Newspaper bosses all set to "release the hounds" as striking hacks take…
Fairfax Axes 120 Journos And Cuts Travel And Freelance Budgets
There's a spate of empty desks at Fairfax today as 120 of…