TV Show & Movie Clichés Mercilessly Roasted In Whacky Spots For Streamer
Want to see your belly wobble & snot possibly shoot from your…
These Trio Of Spots For American Wholesale Club BJ’s Are A Delirious, Black Comedy Hoot!
B&T's running this for no other reason than they're funny. Funnier still…
AI, VR & Terrible Client Pitches All Cop A Roasting In Relatable Work For “Bullshit-Free” Software Firm
Is the only good thing about any client meeting the sandwiches or…
Hilarious Satsuma Ad Delivers Unpredictable Fruity Finale
For clarification, the British call the mandarin the satsuma. Much like we…
B&T’s Most Read Articles Of 2022!
Here's the B&T articles you loved the most in 2022! Which strangely…
Cats, Beer & Ryan Reynolds! Rejoice, It’s Three Comedic Gems Today!
It's not one but three amusing ads today, dear reader. And, yes,…