Cabot Transforms Customer Service In Partnership With Microsoft & Insight Through Generative AI
Cabot's Premium Woodcare brand is the market leader in timber in Australia…
What Are Australians Wasting 89.5 Million Hours On?
Admittedly, this is a mysterious headline indeed. And, spoiler alert, the answer…
Bad Service Ruins The Day Of 27% Of Customers: Pegasystems Study
27% of customers say bad service ruins their day, while the remaining…
Report: Aussie Customer Service Falling Short Of Industry Expectations
Much like Terry's Chocolate Orange, this article is arguably tastier than the…
Study: 52% Of Gen Xers & Baby Boomers Have A ‘Nemesis’ Brand
Want more brand loyalty? History shows the addition of caffeine, sugar, nicotine…
How Financial Institutions Can Achieve Impossibly Perfect Customer Service
Financial institutions need not be a pack of tight-fisted bastards, argues this…
How The Retail Sector Can Achieve Impossibly Perfect Customer Service
Want to take your relationship with customers to new heights? Save on…
Macquarie Radio’s Ray Hadley “Bans Boring Scott Morrison For Treating Him Like An Idiot”
Things turned rather testy on Ray Hadley's 2GB this morning, although B&T…
Macquarie Radio Network Forced To Sell Stations 2CH and 4LM
Macquarie Radio Network Limited (MRN) has been forced to sell two of…