CouriersPlease Study Unpacks Why Aussies Are Abandoning Shopping Carts
With online shopping cart abandonment resulting in a staggering annual loss of…
“Our Logo May Be Red, But Our Future Is Green” : New Brand Identity For CouriersPlease
Leading parcel delivery service, CouriersPlease is celebrating 40 years of delivery solutions…
Black Friday Sales Could Gazump Christmas Shopping Surge
CouriersPlease urges retailers to prepare for Christmas gift shopping at their Black…
New Report Finds Aussies Will Take a Chill Pill When Waiting For Online Orders This Christmas
Aussie consumers will embrace the Christmas cheer and show patience and sympathy…
CouriersPlease Launches Retro Video Game To Celebrate “Super Delivery Heroes”
Delivery drivers are the unsung heroes of the pandemic, except for when…
CouriersPlease Finds That 7 in 10 Aussies Admit To Having Strange Items Delivered
B&T can't vouch for ever having a strange or weird delivery. It…
CouriersPlease Study Finds That Aussies Don’t Want Small Businesses To Shut During Lockdowns
Study finds Aussies don't want small businesses closed during lockdowns. B&T concurs…
Study: In 2021, Online Retailers Will Focus on Sales Rather Than Marketing
A survey commissioned by CouriersPlease has found that e-commerce was the key…
Study: Online Shopping Rates Soar By 65% Amid Lockdown
Report shows a steep rise in online shopping. Which, you'd assume, would…
What Retail Recession? Study Says Aussies Are Flocking To Bricks & Mortar Stores In Droves
Study says Aussies are flocking to shopping centres! And not just to…
E-Commerce Logistics Provider Forecasts Online Shopping Growth Will Drive Product Prices Down
On the back of new research, leading parcel delivery service CouriersPlease (CP)…
Done & Dusted! 90% Of Aussies Say They’ve Finished Their Christmas Shopping
B&T's a strong believer that anyone who finishes their Chrissie shopping before…
Study: 94% Of Aussies Want Improvements To Local E-Commerce
The only thing B&T would want improved in local e-commerce would possibly…
Study: 59% Of Aussies Believe Retail Will Be Online In Five Years, With Books, DVDs & Stationary Most Affected
If anything, retail moving online will prove good news for courier companies.…
Study: 90% Of Aussie Online Shoppers To Flock To Amazon (If It Delivers On Its Promises)
This new study is yet another nail in retail's coffin. Which may…