Historic Paintings Get Victoria’s Secret And Star Wars Treatment In Bizarre Designs
You know the B&T editorial team's officially "racked the cue" for the…
A Whole Bunch Of Designers Came Up With ‘Better’ Logos For Instagram
Instagram's logo has caused quite the stir. But not us, not with…
If Big Name Companies Were More ‘Honest’ With Their Branding
Fancy a bit of corporate activism without having to join Anonymous &…
DesignCrowd Is Offering $1000 To Designers To Redesign Uber’s Logo
Did Uber's new logo make smoke appear from your ears? Then this…
Here’s What Google, Apple And Macca’s Logos Could Look Like In The Future
Do you like articles on logo design? Then this is B&T's gift…
Stoner Sloth As You’ve Never Seen Him Before, Thanks To Weird Photoshop Challenge
NSW government's appalling anti-dope ad Stoner Sloth gets the parodying it probably…
Designers Reimagine The Subway Logo Amid Rebrand Rumours
Nothing gets a brand through the embarrassment of an underage sex scandal…
DesignCrowd Community Redesigns Tokyo Olympic Logo After Plagiarism Controversy
Designers from around the world imagine new Tokyo 2020 Olympics logo, after…
What Logos Would Look Like If Competitor Brands Teamed Up
Our strange late night fantasy between the Apple and Android logos has…
DesignCrowd Designers Make Ugly Words Beautiful
DesignCrowd.com ran a contest with it's 450,000+ designers, to make words with…
What Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn And Other Pop Icons Would Look Like In Campaigns Today
Ever wondered what Elvis would look like in an underpants campaign? No,…
How To Fix Your Dumb Banner Ad Mistakes
How to avoid the most common banner advertising mistakes.
What Cities Would Look Like Without Their Famous Landmarks
Oddball crowdsourcing firm DesignCrowd has reimagined the world's biggest touristy spots but…
Here’s What Hillary Clinton’s Logo Could Have Looked Like
Should the presidential candidate get the keys to the world's biggest nuclear…
This Is What Pollies Do At Home According To Designers (Warning: Abbott In Undies)
Ever wondered what world leaders do on their days off? No, neither…
Data Should Be One Large Net To Hook New Customers
DesignCrowd's Jo Sabin argues its not about collecting data on your customers…
Australia’s Least-Favourite Politicians As Game Of Thrones Characters
Ever wondered what Tony Abbott would look like as a Game Of…
Justin Bieber’s Calvin Kleins Get Photoshopped
Justin Bieber had his Calvin Klein campaign photoshopped by DesignCrowd. There are…
How To Get A Standout Homepage
The Internet is a virtual street, with companies competing to get the…
DesignCrowd Puts Mos On Politicians For Movember
Our pollies were letting down the Movember team. So DesignCrowd gave them…
Design Community Solves The Mystery of Missing Kim Jong-Un
Designers mixed their investigative skills with their Photoshop prowess to find out…
5 Trends Brand Managers & Designers Need To Know About Now
It's not just the art director's job to be on top of…