Burger King Bans Customers, Has A Swipe At Macca’s In Latest Lunacy
These witty Burger King ads will put fire in the belly. A…
Magazine Cover About ‘Women’s March On Washington’ Made One Giant Mistake
Do you often get your feminist symbols in a right muddle? Don't…
The Onion Worth More Moola Than The Washington Post
Reports The Onion is worth half-a-billion dollars is enough to bring tears…
Glamour Removes ‘How To Make Your Man Fall For You’ Article After Copping Serious Flak
Don't "make him a snack after sex", make it for him during…
Gawker Removes Post Outing CFO Amidst Backlash, As Gawker Staff Condemn Decision
Who hasn't inadvertently fallen onto a male escort? So we empathise with…