Fairy Bread Subs & Vegemite Toothpaste: B&T Wraps The Best April Fool’s Day Gags Of 2024
We were holding out hope for a joke story about Aimee &…
The Best (But Mostly Worst) Of Today’s April Fool’s PR Pranks
April 1st is a top day for an office prank & the…
Volkswagen Admits ‘Voltswagen’ Re-Brand Was A Joke
Milli Vanilli, Otto von Bismark and now the "Voltswagen", who says those…
This Is No Joke: Virgin Australia Turns April Fool’s Day Into A Reality
Are you fortunate enough to have VERY fond memories of an "incident"…
Soda Stream Unveils Annual April Fool’s Stunt & It’s Actually Good Fun
Either someone's put a whoopie cushion under our ed's chair this April…
April Fool’s Round-Up: It’s The 10 Best (Worst) Brand Stunts
It's the obligatory April Fool's day round-up which would've been more ironic…
Round-Up: The Best Brand April Fool’s Hoaxes From The Weekend
B&T's April Fool's gag backfired so spectacularly we got a police restraining…
Aerie Buried Under Complaints And Boycotts After April Fool’s Fail
Not dissimilar to our own poorly judged April Fool's joke from last…
April Fool’s ‘Joke’ That Mocks Male Body Diversity Catches Serious Backlash
Our April Fool's prank ended with a trip to HR and a…
UPDATED: Brands Jump On April Fool’s (Some Are Even Good!)
You should've seen the look on staff's faces when we said they…