Traditional free to air television remains the most trusted source of news for Australians a new study has found.
Roy Morgan’s The State of the Nation Media Report found that 69 per cent of people surveyed listed TV as their main source of news. While 41.5 per cent agreed that TV is the most trusted place for news.
However, 32 per cent of us now say social media – including reports from traditional media – is our main news source; however, only four per cent said social media was the most trusted source.
The survey found that printed newspapers still resonate. It found the humble newspaper and associated app and online versions are the main source of news for 48 per cent of those surveyed, while 25 per cent said they are the most trusted.
According to Roy Morgan, some $15 billion was spent on media advertising in 2016 with half of that money going online. The TV networks snared a quarter of all ad dollars and a whopping 22 per cent of ad dollars are now spent on search. The remaining was spent on print, radio and magazine advertising.
Main findings of the survey included:
• 77.5 per cent of Aussies say they use the internet more than once a day
• Free-to-air TV reaches 88 per cent of Australians at least once a month
• 44 per cent admit they check Facebook while watching free to air television
• 17.2 million aged 14-plus use messaging apps and online communities
• 44 per cent of Australians still read print newspapers, however it has declined from 84.3 per cent 20 years ago
• 41.5 per cent say TV news is their most trusted source, with newspapers including print, app and online at 25 per cent
• Radio came in at 16.5 per cent as the most trusted source, and social media just four per cent