Following a successful pitch, eco-tourism tiny house company Tiny Away has engaged Stand Out to drive its PR and content marketing strategy in Australia and New Zealand.
Jeff Yeo, co-founder of Tiny Away said that the company has big growth plans and saw Stand Out as the perfect partner.
“The creative ideas that Stand Out presented to us during the pitch were fresh and exciting, and we very much look forward to bringing them to life,” Yeo said.
Tiny Away has what it describes as a “unique” social enterprise model: it partners with rural landowners to provide beautifully designed and luxuriously furnished tiny home accommodation while sharing the profit from each booking.
So far, the Tiny Away network includes over 65 private locations across New South Wales and Victoria.
Stand Out founder, Dan Jacobs, said of the news: “With the domestic tourism industry bouncing back, we’re rapt with being able to help Tiny Away ensure they have a consistent and fresh presence in the media.
“The Tiny Away model is all about opening the door to some of the most stunning rural locations in NSW and Victoria while giving something back at the same time—and it’s exciting to be part of that.”