Spinach has partnered with Mamamia for an integrated campaign to help parents boost their kids’ veggie intake for Nutri V.
Spinach collaborated with Mamamia on a strategy that showcased Nutri V products with a holistic approach to easy healthy eating. The strategy led to an integrated campaign leveraging parenting influencers. Influencer-created content sits alongside display assets with the campaign running across video pre-roll and newsletters as well as Mamamia’s social media channels and the Mamamia Podcast Network.
In collaboration with the CSIRO, Nutri V transforms Australian-grown surplus vegetables into powders that improve health, reduce food waste, and care for the environment.
“Only seven per cent of Australian adults and five per cent of kids eat the recommended five servings of vegetables a day. Nutri V’s mission is to make it easier for parents to boost their kids’ veggie intake without the struggle, ensuring healthier meals and less food waste,” said Nutri V business development manager Olivia Said.
“We’ve loved working with Spinach and Nutri V on this campaign. It’s been a great collaboration, and we’re proud to help bring Nutri V’s message to life in such a fresh and engaging way that is clearly resonating with our audience,” said Marie Joyce head of Victorian sales at Mamamia.
Prior to the campaign, Spinach worked with Nutri V on its launch developing the branding for Nutri V Powders and Goodies, designing the Nutri V website and digital creative assets as well as the entire suite of packaging including pack designs, shelf and display units for Coles.
“Nutri V is an impressively innovative and sustainable brand and we’re thrilled to build on our partnership with the team to create this campaign leveraging influencers in contextually relevant media,” added Spinach director of client services Nicole Miranda.
Frank Morabito – Chief Creative Officer & Co-Founder
Bronwyn Sullivan – Connections & Investments Director
Nicole Miranda – Director of Client Services
Paige Sobczyk – Account Executive Jenna Tomkins – Senior Designer Georgia Raynes-Greenow – Finished Artist
Olivia Said – Business Development Manager
Ruby Champion – Brand Partnerships Executive
Jessica Stansbury – Sales Manager