Digital marketing has experienced a rapid rise in the past few years and most companies now have a strategy in place. However, having an effective digital marketing strategy is not as simple as sending regular emails to prospects.
To help organisations refine and improve their strategic approach, Teradata has identified six key trends in digital marketing for 2015:
1. Focus on engagement
Marketers can get distracted by clicks, visits or impressions. But building behavioural models that track attribution over multiple touch points will reveal patterns about how and when customers want to engage, as well as what devices they are using. By looking at the data, companies can work out the best mix of interruptive messaging (SMS, email on mobile, push and banners), active messaging (search, email on desktop, landing pages) and more traditional brand messaging work together to drive action.
2. Go agile
Agile marketing focuses on adaptive plans and continual development, and it allows for quick changes or improvements enabled by analytics tools. This type of short-term planning allows change to the strategy so businesses can adapt to unpredictability in the digital arena.
3. Connect
Creating and maintaining an ongoing, data-driven dialogue is vital for success. The broadcast method is no longer effective. First-party opt-in marketing is the currency of marketing’s future.
4. Embrace all the data
Wholly cloud-based approaches of the past haven’t been able to, and never will be able to, keep up with the volume and speed of the data in the enterprise. It is impossible to move extremely high volumes of data to the cloud in a timely manner to engage the customer in a meaningful conversation. Therefore organisations must embrace IT partners, maintain access to all data locally, and only move to the cloud the data that is required to drive conversations.
5. Prove it with data-driven processes
Marketers begin with a strategy, which, in the past, was often developed without data to back it up. Data-driven marketing proves the strategy through consistent analysis and optimization across channels.
As the omni-channel integrated marketing landscape continues to grow, the key will be to understand and quantify what truly influences a consumer to take action. Even an email that’s not opened could be more effective than expected, provided the engagement with the customer is truly a connection. For example, the email may act as a reminder to convert via another channel such as the web.
6. Put the right talent in place
Many digital marketers are failing to deliver the one-to-one marketing that is critical to customer engagement and loyalty. It can be hard to find the necessary digital marketing talent, and internal relationships with IT are difficult to develop and maintain. The most successful digital marketing professionals will overcome these two challenges by carefully evaluating internal strengths and then looking beyond existing in-house resources for help to fill the gaps in both talent and tools. This year is likely to see more blending of tactical internal marketing organisations with external digital strategists, both backed by integrated data and communication tools to get the job done.