2013 B&T Women in Media Award Winner Louise Pogmore, shares her views on how the Hallway has broken PR out of its silo, how communication and customer engagement will change for brands in the future and the value the B&T Women in Media Awards provide to the industry.
Tell us a little about your experience in the industry and your current role at The Hallway?
I spent the majority of my career in leading PR agencies – whilst they gave me invaluable PR knowledge, I quickly realized how siloed PR agencies were. I felt PR agencies didn’t have the remit, or the invitation, to get to the ‘heart’ of the brand – that was left to the advertising agencies. When there was integration amongst agencies, PR was mostly considered as an after-thought to ’PR’ the creative idea.
It fuelled my passion for breaking PR out of its silo, which forged a very different career path to what I, or my peers, had been on and led me to taking risks to pioneer and drive a truly integrated approach to PR.
In 2013, I joined independent advertising agency, The Hallway, to launch the first integrated PR offer within an advertising agency. The benefit? PR is upfront in our thinking and not considered as an after-thought, and our integrated agency structure means PR can seamlessly tap into both planning and creative to deliver a potent PR solution for clients that delivers results!
What achievement are you most proud in your career to date?
Launching the PR offer at The Hallway – we’re the only advertising agency in Australia to include a PR offering within the integrated agency structure and not as a sub-brand or separate silo. This allows us to influence, disrupt and dominate conversations in both paid and earned media – in one voice.
How are you re-writing the concept of what a PR Agency should be?
By breaking PR out of its silo, because I believe you can only deliver one voice for a brand when each discipline is working together as one team, without competing agendas, turf wars and fights for budgets.
What is the importance of the Women in Media awards within the media industry?
It’s really important, in an industry where awards are primarily about the work, it’s great to have an award that acknowledges and celebrates the women who are leading their industries – which will hopefully inspire others to do the same.
What does winning a Women in Media Award mean to you?
It’s a valuable acknowledgement from the industry and my peers that pioneering a more integrated approach to PR and striving to break PR out of its silo was a risk worth taking!
What advice would you give those looking to enter the Women in Media awards in 2014?
Do it! There are some incredibly talented and inspirational women who are contributing to and constantly improving their industry – the Women in Media awards is a great opportunity for acknowledgement of your contribution to your industry.
If you could spend the day with an inspirational woman (from the past or present) who would it be?
My mum – I lost her when I was 19 so I would love to be able to spend time with her as a woman. She was such a loving and giving woman who had an incredible strength and steadfast belief that whatever you turned her mind towards you would succeed– she has been an incredible influence on the woman I am today!
Looking towards the future, what factors will have the biggest impact on the way brands interact with consumers?
Brand advocates – family, friends, bloggers, journalists or anyone sharing your brand’s story – are the most trusted and credible source of information for consumers today. According to a recent study from Nielsen, 84% percent of Aussies say they trust earned media — an increase of 7 percent since 2007. Looking towards the future, earned media will continue to be one of the most valuable and influential tools in a brand’s arsenal.
Nominations and entries for this year’s Women in Media Awards have now closed.
Finalists will be announced Tuesday 10th of June.
To book a ticket or table to the 2014 Women in Media Awards click here.
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