R/GA Australia has announced its partnership with the Museum of Chinese in Australia (MOCA) to evolve its brand identity, strategy, and experience.
The appointment follows the announcement of MOCA’s new location in a historic building on George Street in the heart of Sydney’s Chinatown.
The building will be transformed into a permanent museum with exhibition spaces featuring multi-generational, interactive storytelling, exhibitions, talks, fun activities for young families, and a host of other exciting features.
The partnership also serves as an opportunity for MOCA to celebrate the ingenuity, impact, and contribution of Chinese Australians for the last 200 years.
The goal of the partnership is to reimagine the brand experience of MOCA through technology and design, starting first with helping the brand define and reflect a unified purpose, strategy, and identity. This collaboration is foundational, marking the beginning of MOCA’s role as a place to recognise the achievements and contributions of Chinese and Asian Australians and a cultural institution that creates impact and inspires change for all Australians to move forward.
“Chinese Australians have contributed so much to our society, so we are incredibly proud to partner with MOCA to help develop its brand and museum experience. The collective aim is to encourage engagement, maximise visitation and enable positive conversations. The key to doing this is bringing together a mix of brand, experience, marketing and technology,” said Ben Miles, R/GA executive creative director, brand design & consulting, APAC.
“At a time when the world is facing significant challenges, it has never been more important to understand the interconnectedness of humanity and the contribution a culturally diverse and rich society plays in shaping national identity. Chinese Australians have made a significant contribution in this regard and MOCA is to be the trusted custodian of these important stories, experiences, and contributions for the benefit of all Australians. We felt R/GA was the perfect partner to connect this history with people’s behaviours of today” said Tony Stephens, executive director, MOCA.
MOCA joins a roster of R/GA Australia clients, including Australian Ethical, Google, Uber, Nike, Kimberly-Clark, Toyota, Slack, and more. .