2DayFM radio brekkie duo Dan & Maz kicked off the long weekend by hosting the Aussiest Party Ever.
The shindig was held last Friday at Bondi Bowling Club where crowds flocked to enjoy a various music acts and performances.
B&T sat down with the two for a bit of a chinwag.
Do you remember the first time you met?
D: I think I interviewed you on a red carpet. Maz was working at MTV and I was doing radio in Perth. It was the year before we met and I was flown up to Sydney to do the MTV Awards Red Carpet for the company.
M: I was hosting the red carpet so I was doing some interviews before I hosted it and that’s where I met Dan.
D: And I was like ‘Oh hey, this is Maz Compton from MTV, blah blah blah’
M: I thought ‘who’s this tall clown?’
D: And I was like ‘she’s hot!’ And the rest is history.
M: Honestly, at that moment I had no idea this would evolve at all.
Having just started in breakfast this month, how’s it going?
M: We’ve done brekkie for two years before this, you get back in that mind frame. At two in the arvo you completely lose your mind. You just get used to it, you know? I love the sense where you get up at three in the morning…
D: Four fifteen for me…
M: …and you get to work and there’s this sense of ‘we have to do a show that starts at six’. You wake a whole city up. Your audience builds and grows every minute that that time is ticking over it’s just so exciting.
D: You’re listening to us on-air and we’re just reacting. It’s real and if something changes direction suddenly, we’re on our toes. Anything can change at any second.
M: And suddenly it’s nine o’clock and it’s like phwoarrr, time to start planning the next one!
D: You go get your third coffee and then you plan the next one.
What do you wear while on-air? Pajamas?
M: Never in the PJs. I put in effort into what I’m wearing. We’re photographed and videoed every morning.
D: The whole show there’s cameras on each of us and it’s all rolling and anything can be turned instantly into online content. I always wear the same thing every day. I wear a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans and a pair of sneakers. Maz sets her outfits out though.
M: The night before a show I set out my outfit. That’s because I perform better when I know I feel and look good. You don’t go on a first date looking like shit. That’s how I treat the show.
How do you feel about the competition in breakfast?
M: It’s competition. They’re around.
D: That’s radio, isn’t it.
M: The cool thing about Dan and I, because we have been doing this show for five years together, we know each other and we know what we’re doing. We just stay focused on that. We’re running our own race and we’re kicking our own goals. That’s all we’re concerned about.
D: Two different sports, mashed into one analogy.
Is there any competition over who has the most Twitter or Instagram followers?
D: No, not really. I’m pretty comfortable with the fact that Maz, as a beautiful woman, a lot more people would follow her on Instagram than a pale, lanky dude.
M: Our Dan & Maz accounts, we have 55,000 Instagram followers and that account is about 12 months old. That’s something that we’re really proud of, the social interaction that we have with our listeners.
D: We’ll be on-air, and we’ll literally have people go ‘I’m listening to you right now!’ on our Instragram. It’s how people like us communicate.
M: It’s a great tool for us because we just get instant access, we get feedback, we can read comments and it’s just wild. It’s not just radio these days.
With so many channels, would you have to be over all of them?
M: You pick the ones that are right for your audience. So Instagram is definitely the one. We just started our Snapchat account and it’s just gone mental.
D: Isn’t it a bit weird inside Snapchat. The stuff that people send through. Everyone that loves our show, they’re all as bonkers as us.
Do you ever screenshot Snaps?
D: No. Because that’s a dick move. If you’re going to take a screenshot of something that people Snapchat, you’re being a bit of a tool.
What are your best horror stories from on-air?
M: I spat on Jonah Hill. Accidentally. I was talking a spit ball came out of my mouth and it landed on his face. He was like ‘you just spat on me’. I was like ‘no I didn’t’. The next time we interviewed him and Channing Tatum we were like ‘do you remember that moment?’ ‘Oh, you’re the girl who spat on me!’
D: And Maz has a massive crush on Channing Tatum. I don’t see it. If I was gay he wouldn’t be my type. He looks a bit like a potato. But Maz thinks he’s so hot. So when we interviewed Channing Tatum, the first thing I say is ‘Hey Jonah, remember the time Maz spat on you?’ He lost it. Channing was like ‘you grot’. It was so good.
M: Our ability to take the piss out of ourselves and each other is part of the endearing charm of our show.
D: I like it when things go wrong because then it gets exciting.
Any horror stories, Dan?
D: This is my favourite. So we’re taking callers and this caller rings up and Maz says it’s Lorraine or whatever on the line…
M: …Liza…
D: Right. So Maz says: “Hi Liza, how are you?’ ‘Oh I’m great Maz, how are you?’ I say: ‘I’m here too, Liza,’ and she says: ‘Oh sorry Dave, love the show.’
M: We lost it. That was a tough one to recover from. I cried with laughter. The best thing was that Dan was being just a little bit needy.