Pizza Hut in the US has dipped its toes in the parody waters, revealing a two and a half minute long public service announcement (PSA) asking people to ‘selfie responsibly’.
The PSA calls on those who know these “egotistical specimens of visual self-obsession” as they are “in danger”, as the rise of the selfie has concocted the rise of the ‘selfie stick’. And it’s these sticks that are putting people at risk.
“Help protect them by sharing this video with any fabulous narce artists who suffer from selfie stick abuse,” said the YouTube description. “Pizza Hut is a supporter of those suffering from selfie stick abuse.”
The PSA was created to advertise the pizza chain’s latest Big Flavour Dipper Pizza.
Since being uploaded to YouTube, the PSA has already surpassed two million views.
The brand has also released a behind-the-scenes clip.