Ovarian Cancer Australia has launched its first pieces of work via agency 10 feet tall.
‘It’s time for ovary-action’ is their empowering, new creative platform that aims to rally all Australians to stand up and take action for the cause.
The launch includes a quirky content video accompanied by print and radio components that aim to highlight the shocking statistics associated with Australia’s most deadly female cancer.
Ovarian cancer kills three Australian women every day and the 5-year survival rate of 45 per cent has had little movement in over 30 years.
This new campaign platform is the beginning of a number of initiatives that will roll out over the next 12 months in the hope of raising both the profile of the disease and the vital funds needed to change the statistics for the better.
OCA director marketing and communications Josy Shaw said: “We have watched so many other cancers make incredible progress, now it’s time for teal.
“It’s time to support women living with ovarian cancer, it’s time to put an end to Australia’s deadliest female cancer. It’s time for ovary-action.”
10 feet tall Creative Director Tina Funder said: “We are so excited to be launching our first of many pieces of work for OCA, and eternally grateful to everyone who donated their time to the project.
“When we learnt of the devastating statistics surrounding ovarian cancer, we knew that we needed to rally the Australian population to do more than take action, we needed an ‘ovary-action’ in order to rectify the crisis.
“We’re hoping every piece of work moving forward can have the desired impact, and that we can help eradicate this shockingly unforgiving disease.”
The video was a true collaboration, with production house Cadré Pictures, sound studio Production Alley, actress Sybilla Budd and musician Dave Higgins all donating their time to bring it to life.
Agency: 10 feet tall
Production: Cadré Pictures
Producer, Sigi Eimutis
Creative Director, Pat Da Cunha
Music: Dave Higgins
Sound: Production Alley
VO: Sybilla Budd