Are you one of those people that think esports isn’t a ‘real sport?’
Well, Nike has a message for you.
The shoemaker has released its first-ever esports ad, coming out of Nike Greater China, showcasing how these esports athletes get their minds and bodies prepared for the challenge.
The ad shows gaming superstar Uzi – who was recently the first esports athlete to be signed by Nike – completely a rigorous (and highly entertaining) training camp.
According to Nike, the ad is a reminder for these gamers to remain active and healthy in order to stay on top of the challenges of gaming – which can see top players putting in 16-hour days six days a week.
“We believe strengthening their bodies and minds can help take their game to the next level,” said W+K Shanghai’s creative director Jeff Fang, who helped create the ad.
“It’s not just about strengthening the body. Both sport and working out build mental strength too. The same discipline that helps you grind out a 10k can help you grind out a marathon gaming session.”
The stunning graphics and effects used for the ad were targeted at the highly-stimulated gaming audience.
“Gamers’ brains get bombarded with stimuli all day long. So, we needed to wow them or lose them,” said W+K creative director Matt Meszaros.
For Nike, tapping into China’s booming esports market represents a huge opportunity.
According to Chinese government reports, esports revenue grew 54.69 per cent year-on-year in the first six months of 2020.