With WFH the new norm, businesses are relearning employee/employer relationships. In this opinion post, Workplace by Facebook head of growth ANZ Vicky Skipp runs through some tips for businesses making the leap online.
With the outbreak of COVID-19, companies big and small are all focused on making their employees are safe and healthy. For many companies, this has meant employees are now working remotely to mitigate the risk of contracting the virus. With a dispersed workforce now the new norm, modern technology is becoming pivotal when coordinating the distribution of timely information about your organisation to ensure people feel connected. The challenge many companies face now is how to most effectively utilise the tools they have.
Employees have a role to play
During this period of uncertainty it’s important to have two-way communication; for executives to share vital information around the business but also for them to receive updates from their remote workforce. For many, remote working is a new phenomenon and can be quite daunting. To help employees, here are some of the best tips for to work effectively:
● Manage your time appropriately. Empower yourself to switch off notifications when you need to concentrate, turn on ‘do not disturb’ while on calls, go for a walk if you need to and close your laptop at the end of the day
● Use the right channels. Make the most of everyone’s time by considering when that lengthy chat could be resolved with a quick call and whether a post is really relevant for every member in the group
● Trust in your co-workers. Things can get lost in translation when you’re not face to face. Assume positive intent from your colleagues and jump on a video call if you need to clarify something
● Ask questions. Remember to share questions and feedback with your organization as you transition to remote working to ensure your voice is heard
● Join groups and make time for socialising. Keep up with your colleagues through virtual coffees and social groups – if you can’t find a group aligned to your interests, make one!
How organisations can use technology to look after their workers during time of uncertainty
It is equally important that all organisations are conscious of their responsibilities to their workers during this time. Business critical decisions are being made at a rapid pace, so updates must be communicated in a clear and concise manner. There is also a duty to keep morale high and continue the connection you have with your employees.
Some top tips to help businesses achieve this are:
● Include everyone. The organizations that get remote working right will be those that invest in tools that connect everyone. When considering tech investments, think about how you’re going to connect with your frontline workers as well as HQ employees
● Share critical updates. Be prepared to keep employees up to date with the latest information and guidance. Consider sharing live leadership videos each week
● Encourage video calling. Video calling can be a powerful tool and ensure a personal touch when people are apart. Champion it throughout the organization
● Support team bonding. When employees are remote working, too often it’s the social interactions that get dropped. Encourage teams to stay in touch with virtual coffees, catch ups and lunch breaks
● Embrace analytics. With tools like Insights you can understand where collaboration is happening in your organization and how the workforce is engaging with announcements to make sure everyone is feeling supported and included.
The landscape of the Australian workforce has changed drastically over the past month, and will continue to evolve for the foreseeable future. Hence, it is paramount that both employees and employers are equipped with the information and technology they need to navigate the remote working journey during this time. We can only do this through collaboration tools such as Workplace from Facebook and by looking out for one another as uncertainty across Australia and the globe continues.