In the much-anticipated launch of their new television series, Wild Survivor, National Geographic Channel has taken to the streets again with a campaign across the APN Outdoor network of large format Billboards, Elite Screens and XTrack TV. Forming part of National Geographic Channel’s wider media campaign, the Outdoor component is aimed at peaking audience interest, driving awareness and seeking maximum exposure.
Wild Survivor, which launches March 16 on the National Geographic Channel, follows Aussie science teacher, Phil Breslin, as he embarks on a quest to survive in the Australian Outback with nothing more than ancient wisdom and the brains he was born with. With no food, no shelter and not even a knife, Phil will have just one goal throughout the series; stay alive.
Jerry Butterfield, channel manager – National Geographic Chanel said, “The huge success we saw with the award-winning Wild Australia campaign demonstrated how large-scale out-of-home advertising can really connect with potential viewers.”
“National Geographic Channel is thrilled to be working with APN Outdoor again on the launch of Wild Survivor, using a powerful image that really captures the energy and adventure of our new series and enables effective touch points across other media.”
Mark Fairhurst general manager – APN Outdoor also commented, “National Geographic Channel knows the power of the Outdoor medium to influence and entertain their viewers. There is no doubt Phil the survivor is attracting attention on our large format Billboards, Elite Screens and XTrack TV, out there right now. We wish National Geographic Channel well for the launch of what is sure to be another successful series.