Digital Degustation

Digital Degustation

Every week Naked Communications' Andrew Reeves scours the web for all things digital, quirky and innovative and presents it in bite-sized portions.

Faces Of Facebook

In a way, knowing what number your face was placed in a crowd of 1,262,094,184 is at once humbling and then completely and utterly terrifying.  That Natalia Rojas project ‘faces of facebook’ manages to display all our tiny little self designated images in a single navigable screen organised by membership chronology is nothing short of fascinating.  This is #47,981,483 signing out, possibly for good.

Reward Me, And Maybe I’ll Shout Out Your Name

Urban Outfitters have realised that fickle is the new loyal with their largely millennial audience.  So, in order to address this they have baked foursquare badge style rewards throughout their new UO app.  From here on in, the brand will reward their users for almost any kind of interaction: from a UO tweet, to listening to their radio channel. It’s a clever system and one that will allow them to glean valuable insights about shoppers. See it here

Snapchat Gets All Arty

Ephemeral messaging is probably the least likely of places you’d expect to find artists sharing their impressions of the world. Well time and again we find that it’s often the unintended use of apps that make for the most creative outlet.  In this case creators send artwork to their friends in the knowledge they can only live on as screenshots.  The fact that these artists are gaining fame says they are doing something right. Check it here

Faultless Home Brew – Thanks To The Robots

The art of beer making is something very few of us will every hope to master, least of all attempt to do in our own home, from scratch.  But if the possibility and ease of brewing your own batch was as simple as installing an enormous, expensive, cool looking complex machine and following brewing instructions dictated by a specifically designed iPhone app then maybe, just maybe this caper is starting to sound reasonable? See it here

No Sneezing At This One

Hats off to the folk at Kleenex on My-Achoo – a tool that predicts when and where the dreaded flu is headed so you can prepare by; a) getting the hell out of dodge, b) boarding up your home like there’s an imminent zombie invasion or c) stock up on tissues and Paracetamol. The result is a really lovely flu-cast, predicting the chance of germs being near you over the next 21 days, and a calculator to figure out just how many boxes of Kleenex your household will need to ride out the storm.

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