Working in 2020 looks a lot different to it has ever before.
And a new campaign from LinkedIn out of the United Kingdom has captured these changes.
The ‘We’ll Work It Out, Together’ campaign launched earlier this week.
It highlights some of the realities of the current work life that have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, whether that be first days from our bedrooms or moving from your desk to your bed at the end of the day.
It also highlights how LinkedIn is helping its users through education and job searching features.
To accompany the campaign, LinkedIn has released data showing that 12 per cent of British workers have had a virtual job interview, while 13 per cent have started a new job remotely.
“Seeing the community pulling together in this crisis became the inspiration for our latest UK campaign: Working It Out. The narrative follows three stories of adapting to the new normal – taking a virtual job interview, starting a new job remotely and delivering an important presentation from home,” LinkedIn said about the campaign.