RMIT Advertising students are set to unleash their ‘A’ game upon Melbourne’s top agency professionals at the annual networking event, Pitch Night.
Following the huge success of last year, RMIT Pitch Night is back for it’s forth installment and this year it’s on like Donkey Kong, literally.
The not-for-profit event offers final year advertising students the chance to mix with and impress industry professionals in a speed dating style set up.
This year’s theme is ‘Level Up’, with the night set to be the final level for students entering the next stage of advertising game: the real world.
With over 70 new players entering the game, bringing with them a multitude of skills and powers set to impress, chances of agencies finding a new secret weapon to add to their team are high.
Just like playing your favourite arcade game, the night comes with 8bit designs, comfort food and a good dash of nostalgia.
This year’s Pitch Night will be held on Thursday, October 8, at RMIT’s Storey Hall, Swanston St, Melbourne, with a start time of 7pm.