Digital agency Hardhat Digital have been hard at work scouring the internet for another dose of wacky gems.
This Friday, we bring you your very own 3D printed mini you, and a test to find out how well your eyes see colour.
Imagine the clarity of a 360 gigapixel photo. Check out exactly that – in the form of a photo of Tokyo. It’s incredible.
Here’s a study questioning whether our beloved smartphones are taking away our impulsive tendencies.
Stock images from Getty get the sarcastic treatment here.
And for the most random find of the week, here’s Rap Clocks – a site that counts down to the release dates of rappers from prison.
The world’s first inflatable concert hall has been invented, and for something a little more moving, photographer Jana Romanova has captured images of sleeping parents to be.
And finally, the Mental Floss website has compiled a list of the 25 most powerful websites, so find out who rules the web.