A global retail study has found Australians are very nervous about their data privacy, regularly use tech devices when we’re out shopping, and value the opinion of friends and family before making a purchasing decision.
The’s just some of the findings of the study by global marketing and technology agency DigitasLBi’s 2016 Connected Commerce study which revealed the latest retail trends in 15 countries including Australia.
Key findings of the study included (please note, this is view of all nations not just Australia’s)
Impatience is a virtue
Some 18 per cent of shoppers worldwide expect products bought online to be delivered within one day. Consumers from the Netherlands are the most impatient, with 38 per cent expecting delivery within a day, while Danish customers are the most relaxed (seven per cent). Only about one in 10 Australians (12 per cent) expected deliveries in a day.
Second opinion
Seventy-eight per cent of online shoppers globally look for other shoppers’ opinions online before making a purchase. This behaviour is most prevalent in Asia, with consumers in China (95 per cent), Hong Kong (89 per cent), India (89 per cent ) and Singapore (88 per cent) most likely to look for opinions before buying. It was 67 per cent in Australia.
Friends and family
Thirty-five per cent of consumers consult friends and family before buying online. German consumers are most likely to pay attention to the opinions of their friends and family (44 per cent) while Italians are least likely (22 per cent). Sixty-seven per cent of Australians seek family and friends’ opinions before making a decision.
Death of a salesman
Only 10 per cent of shoppers globally say that the expertise of salespeople is the factor that is most likely to make them shop in-store rather than online, compared to 38 per cent who say that the ability to test products is the main draw. The salesperson’s craft is most valued in Denmark, with 19 per cent saying it is the factor which is most likely to make them shop in-store, and least valued in the US (5 per cent).
Location, location, location
The study reveals the categories of item that people are most likely to shop for in bed, with fashion and health and beauty the most popular (both 19 per cent). Italians are more likely than any other nation to shop in the kitchen, with 24 per cent shopping for food in the kitchen and 23 per cent shopping for household items.
Some 29 per cent of consumers globally shop online using wearable devices. Chinese and Indian shoppers are most likely to shop via a wearable (both 48 per cent ) while shoppers from the Netherlands are least likely (11 per cent). It was 24 per cent for Aussies.
Commenting on the Australian findings, DigitasLBi’s Maurice Riley said: “Predictions of the fast growth of online shopping in Australia have not been greatly exaggerated. Many market analysts have said Aussies would consume online services as fast as they were made available and, looking at the data from Connected Commerce 2016 it appears to be true.
“That said, an interesting dichotomy exists between the online shopping services Aussies crave and their unwillingness to share personal data. Retailers have the opportunity to bridge this data disconnect by making sure consumers clearly see enough value from the data retailers already collect,” he said noting 79 per cent of Australians had concerns about sharing their personal data.