In the six months that the Zavy scoreboard has been live on B&T, the NRMA has fairly comfortably held the number one spot – thanks largely to its very people-focused CSR content strategy.
In July, something new happened. Foxtel broke away from the pack and has taken the lead on the Australian Brand scoreboard. How did they do it?
High frequency of posts…
Using Zavy’s Pulse dashboard, we looked at their scores over the last year. You can see that Foxtel tends to peak and trough, which makes sense – there are peaks when specific campaigns launch, or when new shows or seasons are announced.
If you look closely at the graph, you’ll see a lot of little circles, which represent social media posts. Digging into Zavy’s Pages dashboard for more detail, we saw that Foxtel posts more frequently and consistently than any other brand on our scoreboard.
For example, in July (at time of writing), they’ve posted 54 times on Facebook, 77 times on Twitter and 48 times on Instagram. Compare that to JB Hifi, the next most frequent poster – 23 posts on Facebook, 31 posts on Twitter, 8 on Instagram. As an aside, JB HiFi also use YouTube as a channel, and posted 44 times there, while Foxtel uses it infrequently, posting just once in July.
…fueled by a solid supply of engaging content
What’s the one thing that social media marketers want the most? Great content. Unlike most other brands on the scoreboard, Foxtel’s marketers have a deep well of quality video content from prestige and much-loved television shows to draw on. And what’s the one thing that everybody loves to talk about? What they’re watching on TV.
So, from an engagement perspective, Foxtel can ride the wave of public conversation. With watercooler chat now firmly rooted in television and recommendations, we see high engagement and high sentiment scores across their posts. It’s simple: People enthuse, recommend, and debate the shows they love on social media.
And we know that content related to cultural moments gets seven times the engagement as content that doesn’t. With television shows (Friends reunion, anyone?) becoming cultural moments in and of themselves, it’s natural that Foxtel would hit on explosive moments of engagement – those peaks and troughs.
Wrapped up in a winning personality
Foxtel leverages these intelligently. Their brand personality – “we love TV as much as you do!” – is inclusive and fun, and this plays out through their tone of voice on social, where it’s clear they’re fans, not just providers. They talk about TV in the same way that we do – enthusiastically (and with emojis), responding to their followers and starting conversations in the comments. They even run a Foxtel Fans group on Facebook – “for the uberfans, the deep divers, the obsessed.”
This strategy is working – as well as taking the lead in the Zavy Australian Brand Scoreboard, Foxtel had the second highest ranking Facebook post in our Australian Top 25 in the last three months with their announcement of ‘Wentworth – Final Sentence’ season. The post earned 3,926 shares, the highest number in the same period. It’s the orange bubble in the graph below.
The number one spot
Australian Brand Scoreboard. Could bringing in more brand or CSR activity into the mix, long term, help smooth out the troughs between those big TV moments? Maybe – but with their strong personality and creative approach to content, we’re excited to see where they go next.
Want to know where your brand sits on the scoreboard?
Visit the Zavy website to explore our Australain Brand Scoreboard and apply for your own.