Entries are now wide open for B&T‘s annual 30 Under 30 Awards, but this year we couldn’t just settle with handing out a few gongs, and decided to launch a daytime mentoring and networking forum to match called Towards 2030. So, to save you the stress of not knowing all the deets for each event, we’ve tried to answer some of your questions before you even ask – see how nice we are?
If you’re yet to get an answer to your FAQ, check the comprehensive entry guideline/form for participants, or the website, and if all else fails and you just HAVE to know how many bathrooms are at the venue, or what to wear to the day event, we’re just an email away.
When is it?
Thursday 27 April 2017 (that last bit is important).
I turn 30 this year, can I still enter?
Yes. As long as you are still under 30 (29 or younger) on the day of the event. So you can turn 30 at 12:01am on Friday 28 April, but that’s as close a shave as you can get.
How much are award tickets?
Early birds are on sale from now until Friday 7 April, and these bad boys will cost you $149. Past this period, full price tickets are on sale until the day of, unless sold out prior, for $199.
Can I score a sweet deal if I go to both events?
Why certainly, eager beavers! There’s a whole range of packages, from single and double event tickets, to discounts for larger groups. See them all here.
How much do entries cost?
Same deal as the tickets – you’ve got an on-time entry fee and a late entry fee. On-time entries cost $149 and need to be submitted by Monday 6 March, and late entries will set you back $199 (and close on Monday 13 March).
And please don’t forget to save a copy of your entry (be it in a Word doc or email), as technical issues and outages can happen. We wouldn’t want to see you put your blood, sweat and tears into your submission, only for it to disappear thanks to our good friend technology.
When I submit (and pay) my entry, do I still have to purchase the ticket to the awards night?
Yes, you do, and might we recommend you buy one – especially if you’re a shortlisted nominee. There’s nothing more awkward than forcing someone to accept your award AND get photographed in your place in front of everyone.
But how will I know if I make the shortlist?
Shortlisted candidates for each of the 10 categories will be published on B&T on Monday 3 April.
I’m so freakin’ talented – which category should I enter? Can I enter them all?
Good news, overachievers! You can enter all 10 of the categories if you fit the bill.
Can previous winners enter again?
Of course – unless you are/will turn 30 prior to the night of the awards. No cheating!
How many winners are there?
There are three winners in each category, making 30 winners under 30 in total.
I have more faith in my popularity than my talent – when is the voting poll open for People’s Choice?
We will launch the People’s Choice poll on Wednesday 15 March, and then you’ve got until Wednesday 5 April to bribe, badger and berate your colleagues, friends and family to vote for you.
Who are the judges that I may or may not want to bribe?
For now, the judges are a bit of a sneaky secret. That basically means we are still gathering a few extra legends to judge your entries and will announce them all very shortly.
Where are the awards being held?
At the Ivy on Thursday 27 April, kicking off at 6.30pm.
And what about this ‘Towards 2030’ stuff? What’s all that about?
The inaugural Towards 2030 Forum is a natural extension of B&T’s 30 Under 30 Awards.
It offers attendees the chance to take part in speed mentoring with some of the top powerhouses from across the marketing, media and advertising industries, and to gain up-close exposure to highly successful, inspiring people in said industries.
In order to facilitate cross-agency and business collaboration, the afternoon will be a hackathon where groups are challenged to create a winning agency for the year 2030.
Attendees will benefit from the rich pool of ideas on how agencies and media companies can respond to increasing disruption to take back to their respective agencies and companies, and will walk away with valuable sources of information to help them make the most of their career and reach their full potential.
What’s the schedule like for Towards 2030?
The day event schedule will look a little like this *subject to change if B&T staff decide they need more time to do their hair*:
- 8:00-8:45am – arrivals and registration (Ivy Ballroom)
- 8:45-8:50 – welcome remarks
- 8:50-9:10am – keynote address
Speed mentoring (8 mentors, 20 minutes each)
- 9:15-12:10pm – speed mentoring
- 12:10-12:55pm – lunch
Create your ideal agency of the future (8 groups of 20 attendees each, each group lead by 2 table captains)
- 12:55-2:25pm – collaborative brainstorming
- 2:25-2:40pm – afternoon tea
- 2:45-4:45pm – presentation from each team (10 minutes each to present, five minutes for Q&A)
- Table captains form the judging panel, giving a score out of 100 for each team. Table captains cannot score their own team.