F4WARD has announced it has been appointed to handle public relations and strategic communications for HERO Condoms.
HERO Condoms donates one condom to developing countries for every condom sold in Australia. Dustin Leonard, ceo of HERO Condoms founded the business in 2012, while he was still at university.
“We were inspired by Dustin and the whole HERO team,” said Fergus Kibble, founder and managing director of F4WARD.
“They are literally on a mission to change the world and getting their message out to Australians is a challenge we are up for, and want to help with.”
“We felt that F4WARD understood our brand and were able to craft a strategic framework for communication that best aligned with our business objectives,” said David Wommelsdorff, chief marketing officer.
“As a socially responsible business we want to work with other businesses that share our values, passion and drive. We have some big numbers to hit, not only from a retail sales perspective but also to continue to make donations of significance to help stop the spread of HIV and to save lives.”
After two years of solid business growth, HERO Condoms are now stocked in Woolworths and F4WARD has been tasked to help communicate that everyone can choose to be a HERO simply by making socially responsible choices in their purchasing.