Latest emma figures show news brands continue their digital growth trajectory with an eight per cent increase for the 12 months to December 2020.
The latest release of emma (Enhanced Media Metrics Australia) for the 12 months to 30 December 2020 shows an eight per cent increase in digital readership compared to the same period a year prior. This is the ninth consecutive quarter of digital growth for news brands.
Overall, news brands saw a two per cent cross-platform increase with a total readership of 18 million for the period, reaching 94 per cent of the population aged 14-plus.
Across measured digital platforms, news brands reached 16.9 million Australians representing 89 per cent of the population aged 14-plus. Print reach was 10.8 million, 57 per cent of Australians.
The Readership Works General Manager Mal Dale said: “Credible news and information has never been more important to Australians and this is reflected by the latest readership data, particularly for digital which is unsurprising given changed consumer media consumption habits of the past 12 months and the increase in working from home.”