Credit card company Mastercard is getting into the music business, releasing its very first single.
The song (which you can listen to below and is actually pretty cool) is called Merry Go Round and is a collaboration with Swedish singer Nadine Randle.
The release of the song apparently ties in with Mastercard’s just-announced “sonic brand,” a six-note jingle that plays when users make a transaction with one of the company’s cards.
According to Mastercard, the song “authentically integrates the company’s brand values and sonic identity”. Mastercard has previously had a strong brand presence at a number of music festivals as it attempts to woo the Millennials.
Check out the tune below.
Commenting on the brand’s music move, Mastercard’s chief marketing and communications officer Raja Rajamannar said: “We’re thrilled to be partnering with Nadine on Merry Go Round to integrate the recognisable sonic melody – underscoring the many ways that the branding can be used beyond traditional means.”
Merry Go Round is available on streaming services and is reportedly the first single from an entire album that will integrate Mastercard’s sonic brand. Mastercard has been collaborating with Swedish songwriter and producer Niclas Molinder to commission a bunch of emerging artists who will build upon the company’s “sound architecture to curate an auditory experience that brings new meaning and purpose to the brand”.