Check out all the videos in one place from the APG’s Google event, Unexpected Thinking in Innovation, which took place earlier this year
The APG shared its learnings with the planning community of Melbourne in February this year, and The Comms Council has generously supplied their videos of the day with B&T exclusively.
The first video sees Sophie Price, head of planning at The Hallway, explaining why we need to stop digital marketing and start marketing in a digital world.
Justin Graham, chief strategy officer of M&C Saatchi talks about why we need more "yes and" people rather than "no but" people.
Razorfish’s head of strategy Ben Hourahine outlines why we take too long to get things done in Australia when compared with Silicon Valley.
Sophie Price from The Hallway is back and details her shock that creative agencies are falling behind the creative revolution being driven by YouTube
Mel Mullins, strategy director at UM, has told members of the APG that many of us still labour under the perception that we’re living in a Madmen style world and that we have an inherent fear of true collaboration.
Russ Mitchinson, planning partner at DDB, on how we have no vision before profit, and the culture of "sell".
And finally, Jason Lonsdale, the executive planning director from Saatchi & Saatchi, speaks about how we are failing to invest in our future.