The cuisine of choice of the student, the bachelor and the bone lazy, Chicken Tonight, is back spruiking its “I can’t cook and I don’t care” wares in a wonderfully fun campaign out of The Netherlands.
The spot spoofs the legendary Jerry Springer talkback show that sadly ended in 2018 after 4000 episodes.
Instead, we have Terry Stinger and a fractious married couple Jeroen and Marlouise who’ve come on Terry’s show to discuss Jeroen’s penchant for eating the fabled jar sauce without actual chicken.
As you would expect, the usual Springer-esque fireworks soon kick off, aided and abetted by the arrival of the couple’s neighbour Anja and her “marriage saving” Chicken Tonight recipe.
The ad’s the work of Amsterdam agency MullenLowe Alfred and, if anything, it’s a terrific piece of fun. Check it out below (although B&T warns it can be a tad sweary in parts).